Disney+ Clone
An educational Next.js project replicating Disney+'s UI layout and basic features.

A personal side project created to explore Next.js (App Router) and TypeScript while I was mainly focused on .NET development at work. This clone recreates some core UI patterns of Disney+, including a carousel, genre-based filtering, and simple search powered by the TMDB API. It's purely for learning—no real streaming functionality or authentication.
Key Features
- Hero carousel with autoplay
- Genre filtering and search
- Light/Dark theme toggling
- Dynamic movie detail pages
Technologies Used
- Next.js (App Router)
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- Built solely for educational purposes
- Not affiliated with Disney
Potential Improvements
- Refine the light mode styling for a more polished UI
- Implement a functional 'Play' button that opens a trailer or video modal
- Enable click/drag or arrow navigation for the carousel on desktop
- Ensure hero banner text never gets clipped by making it fully responsive
- Allow the dropdown to close automatically after a genre is selected
- Display a 'No results found' message when search results are empty
- Focus more on user experience now that I'm familiar with Next.js